Hello All,
I'm very new to VCS and I need help in increasing a file system which is in LVM by adding new PV's. My plan of action is below. Kindly suggest if any modification required in this.
OS : RHEL 5.6
VCS Engine : 5.1
Step 1:- Allocating 4 No’s of Luns from storage (250GB*4 in case of increasing 1TB)(following the lun size which is allocated across the environment).
Which includes confirmation of the newly created LUNS availability on the both the nodes.
Step2:- Making the Service Group offline on both the nodes from VCS (My case this is PMDBCS).
Service group which uses this partition as mount resource.
Step3:-Creating a single partition of full size on the newly allocated luns.
Which includes changing the label. (Following the procedure applied in this VG).
Step4:-Creating PV on the new partitions.
Step5:-Adding these PVs on the VG (VG Extension).
Step6:-LV Extension (Extending the size to 3TB from 2TB).
Step7:-Confirming the Addition activity by checking the LV size.
Step8:-Making the service group online on the same node from VCS.
If I'm doing this only on theActive node, will the serrvice fail over to standby node ?
Ashish C