Configure LLT And GAB In A Veritas Cluster
I need a solution Hi,Im about to add a new node to a cluster (Solaris OS and version 5.0 for the cluster) and I have set all the cabling to have the HB network working. The heartbeat links are...
View ArticleChanging Service Group Name or Resource Name
I need a solution Can we change the sevice group and resouce name dynamically ? I mean trhough Java Console or need to shutdown the cluster and need to modify ? Thanks in advance 1386694429
View ArticleVeritas Cluster on OpenStack
I need a solution Hi Community,For my first post, I have something that I have not been able to find much information about. I want to know how much Veritas Cluster, including CVM and CFS for shared...
View update question on 2 node cluster
I need a solution I have a quick quesiton regarding update. Here are the steps I would like to do for 2 nodes cluster. Node1: hastop -all cp /etc/VRTSsvc/conf/confi/
View ArticleLLT over or UDP or Ethernet
I need a solution Hello, When to setup hearbeat Link, which one we need to choose LLT over Ethernet or UDP? Can you explain the senario when to use Ethernet and when to use UDP?
View ArticleWhat is the compression ratio or algorithm used in VVR replication
I need a solution EnvironmentSFHA/DR = 6.0.2OS = Win2008R2
View ArticleWhat should we do to alter virtual fire drill data
I need a solution EnvironmentSFHA/DR = 6.0.1OS = Windows 2008R2Clustered Application = SQL 2008R2QueryAt DR Site Service Group for FireDrill is created and online. Any thing I change at Primary SIte...
View ArticleFailover on bonding interface
I need a solution Dear all,I configure a virtual interface which is on top of a bonding interface (two nic). I find VCS don't trigger any action when I unplug both nic. It's because the bond0 still...
View ArticleLics. and feature clarity
I need a solution Hi,We are having "VRTS STORAGE FOUNDATION ENTERPRISE HA 6.0 S64LNX 10 SPVU STD LIC EXPRESS BAND S" lics. Qty is 136, i.e. we can have 8 cores 4 servers installed. Now need to...
View Articleshared and non shared disk group in cluster
I do not need a solution (just sharing information) Hi,I wish to verify the following. On VCS with CFS we must add logical volumes only on master node.On VCS without CFS we could add resources from...
View Article5 Node Clusters and utilizing 2 nodes
I need a solution Hi,If we have 5 node cluster and can we utilize 2 nodes for 2 databases and 3 nodes for another 5 databases instead of utilizing 5.
View ArticleResource Fault question
I need a solution Hello,If the resource goes offline unexpectedly, then agent will call clean script to bring the resouce completly offline, in this stage would it go to offline or fauled state?
View ArticleNotifier not sending emails
I need a solution Hello all,I 've trying to get Notifier to send emails and I cannot get it working. Apparently all attributes are correctly configured, but can't get it to work.Logs:...
View ArticleLLT setup question
I need a solution Hello,It may be a stupd question. If we configure IP address on network card, and if we want to configure LLT over ethernet on same card, can we do it?
View ArticleWAC resource and ICMP
I need a solution Hello, Global VCS uses WAC resource to monitor the hearbeat between the site and uses ICMP for the backp or to make sure? Or is ICMP configuration is important here?
View ArticleVCS and Vmware configuration
I need a solution Hello,I was planning to do experiment by running solaris (x86) and linux on vmware. In the vcenter how do I assign a datastore to 2 nodes or how do I assign RDM to 2 nodes. Is it...
View Articlewhat Disaster Recovery Solution to use?
I need a solution Hello,My company is planning to implement a DR solution for the our production enviornment. The production enviorments that we have are all 2 node fail-over VCS clusters (SFHA...
View ArticleVCS 5.1 - Failing to start a new node after adding it to the cluster
I need a solution Hi,I have just added a node to a cluster and during the conf. everything went fine.. Here is a summary of what I did:root@dp-e9 # cat /etc/llthosts 0 DP-node5 1 DP-node6 2 DP-node4 3...
View ArticleHow To Configure VCS To Noify (or Take Action) When A DB Conifugration Has...
I need a solution An Oracle DB is part of a resource group along with all the filesystems it needs to start. Someone logs in to a db and sets an initiization parameter to point to a filesystem that is...
View Articlecluster manual seed
I need a solution Hello, I have 2 node cluster and I shutdown one node and in other node I started the HAD and started it. It shuldn't have stated right? I need to seed the node manualluy in order to...
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