SAP failed after hastart
I need a solution Hi,After hastart cmd, my db service group came up normallly, but every time & all prod servers my sap SG failed on 1st time, but after clearing sap resource & start hagrp...
View ArticleUnix NFS server and Windows File Sharing
I need a solution Hi,Is windows Files sharing work like and unix NFS server? Any thing different from each other?
View ArticleVCS: NBU failover impeded by nagios monitoring - any experience?
I need a solution OS: SUSE Linux; VCS: 5.1 NBU: 7.1 clustered Master Server in own SGscenario: Nagios regularly starts diverse CLI commands on NBU to check for e.g. long-running jobs, nbemm still...
View ArticleUn-clustering a simple 2 node SQL cluster
I need a solution Can anyone point me in the direction of some good articles or info on removing clustering all together. Here is our setup, 2 physical nodes, SFHA 5.1 SP2, 2008 enterprise 64bit, SQL...
View ArticleTolarance limit
I need a solution One of our customer requirement ..To set tolarance limit for some File system 0 and some 3, as I understand tolarance limit is global value.. Please advice is it possible 0
View ArticleResouce depedency case
I need a solution Hi Team,I have one basic question, I have a server for which vcs is installed in which SAP application has to run.Please help me to know that hirerchy wise, what resouces i have to...
View ArticleResources offline again and again
I need a solution Hi Team,Yesterday, I had an issue as resouces are coming to offline state again and again after manually making it online.I didn't have an output now, however just want to know the...
View ArticleCan VCS be configured to use AD usergroup authentication
Copy all the children of the comment that is the source of this new discussion. I need a solution VCS supports individual AD user authentication but does it allow to add AD group (not local system...
View ArticleNeed to add new node in existing VCS
I need a solution Hi All,I want to add new node in existing 3 node cluster without disturbing the service. Can you please let me know the steps ? ThanksVel
View ArticleCan members of a bonded-NIC be configured as VCS LLT links?
I need a solution Scenario-1:SFRAC 5.0.1 and above,such as 5.1, 5.1SP1, 6.0, 6.1 ......HPUX 11.31-0909Oracle RAC lan3 and lan4 are bonded to be lan901, which is configured as Oracle RAC...
View Articlehow to install the guest component of SFWHA
I need a solution In SYMANTEC HIGH AVAILABILITY Soultion GUIDE for VMWARE P22You can install the guest components in the following ways:■ Using the product installer Use this method to install the...
View ArticleVCS ERROR V-16-1-10600 Cannot connect to VCS engine
I need a solution I have installed Symantec Storage Foundation v.4.0 for Linux, Veritas Cluster Servises 4.1 with oracle agents on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4 update 8.I have installed two nodes in the...
View ArticleVCS Agent Details Sybase
I need a solution Hi, We have Storage Foundation HA (SFHA) working with Sybase, now we are thinking on upgrading our ASE version to 16.I was checking the agent details, and the information I see is...
View ArticleVCS AutoStartList configuration question
I need a solution Hello, We are running 2 node cluster and Node 1 is primary and Node 2 is secondary. If I set the AutoStartList = { Node1 } IF I reboot Node1, SG will fail over to Node2, but...
View ArticleCluster startup question
I need a solution Hello.For an example if we have 2 nodes cluster and if we shutdown both nodes and if I bring the node1 it shouldn't come up until node2 comes right?Or I need to do gabconfig -c0 to...
View ArticleISCSI reboot problem with Veritas Cluster Server
I need a solution HiI've a problem with iSCSI and VCS. Basically the problem is for RHEL. As you know when you reboot a system that uses iSCSI usually the name of the devices is always changing,...
View ArticleVCS mount question
I need a solution Hello,I have got the following request. and let me know is there a way I can setup. I need to setup a SQL server on Windows 2008 and data will be on RDM1. Also, there will be...
View ArticleHow to configure MSDTC with Windows 2012+SQL2008R2 in VCS Vmware enviroment
I need a solution hi all, Just want to Know how to configure MSDTC service (Windows 2012+SQL 2008R2) in VCS 6.1 Vmware enviroment.What document should I refer to? Same way as physcial server? Run...
View ArticleDoes VERITAS Cluster support IIS application in Active/Active mode
I need a solution EnvironmentOS = Windows 2012 datacenter editionQueryWe have an IIS based application. We want to Cluster it as Active/Active. Possible ?
View ArticleHow to delete non-existant system from the Cluster "-i"
I need a solution Hell Expert,I am facing one simple but bit tricky issue in non-existant system added in the cluster which has hostname "-i" . i am not aware how this system added in the...
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