I have a two node cluster. I am trying to create a simple service group with VxFS on VxVM. I have followed the steps outlined in http://www.symantec.com/business/support/index?page=content&id=TECH20539.
When I try to bring the service group online, the diskgroup would fail to import with "groupreserve option as scsi3pr is disabled". I've checked the diskgroup for scsi3-pr compliance with the vxfentsthdw utility. It is passing as shown below.
Can you please tell me how can I enable scsi3pr on the diskgroup so it can online successfully.
################### Diskgroup Service online Error ####################################
Jun 27 15:56:36 sca-m532-504-gd9 Had[3429]: [ID 702911 daemon.notice] VCS ERROR V-16-10001-1095 (sca-m532-504-gd10) DiskGroup:data_dg:online:Diskgroup [datadg] failed to import with groupreserve option as scsi3pr is disabled.
Jun 27 15:58:37 sca-m532-504-gd9 Had[3429]: [ID 702911 daemon.notice] VCS ERROR V-16-2-13066 (sca-m532-504-gd10) Agent is calling clean for resource(data_dg) because the resource is not up even after online completed.
Jun 27 15:58:39 sca-m532-504-gd9 Had[3429]: [ID 702911 daemon.notice] VCS ERROR V-16-10001-1095 (sca-m532-504-gd10) DiskGroup:data_dg:online:Diskgroup [datadg] failed to import with groupreserve option as scsi3pr is disabled.
Jun 27 16:00:40 sca-m532-504-gd9 Had[3429]: [ID 702911 daemon.notice] VCS ERROR V-16-2-13066 (sca-m532-504-gd10) Agent is calling clean for resource(data_dg) because the resource is not up even after online completed.
Jun 27 16:00:42 sca-m532-504-gd9 Had[3429]: [ID 702911 daemon.notice] VCS ERROR V-16-1-54031 Resource data_dg (Owner: Unspecified, Group: datagrp) is FAULTED on sys sca-m532-504-gd10
Jun 27 16:00:42 sca-m532-504-gd9 Had[3429]: [ID 702911 daemon.notice] VCS ERROR V-16-1-10205 Group datagrp is faulted on system sca-m532-504-gd10
################# SCSI3-PR Test of Diskgroup ######################################
[rootD:]825> /opt/VRTS/bin/vxfentsthdw -n -c datadg
Veritas vxfentsthdw version 6.0.3 Solaris
The utility vxfentsthdw works on the two nodes of the cluster.
The utility verifies that the shared storage one intends to use is
configured to support I/O fencing. It issues a series of vxfenadm
commands to setup SCSI-3 registrations on the disk, verifies the
registrations on the disk, and removes the registrations from the disk.
The logfile generated for vxfentsthdw is /var/VRTSvcs/log/vxfen/vxfentsthdw.log.10882
Enter the first node of the cluster:
Enter the second node of the cluster:
Testing sca-m532-504-gd9 /dev/vx/rdmp/zfs_71200_3 sca-m532-504-gd10 /dev/vx/rdmp/zfs_71200_3
Evaluate the disk before testing ........................ No Pre-existing keys
RegisterIgnoreKeys on disk /dev/vx/rdmp/zfs_71200_3 from node sca-m532-504-gd9 Passed
Verify registrations for disk /dev/vx/rdmp/zfs_71200_3 on node sca-m532-504-gd9 Passed
RegisterIgnoreKeys on disk /dev/vx/rdmp/zfs_71200_3 from node sca-m532-504-gd10 Passed
Verify registrations for disk /dev/vx/rdmp/zfs_71200_3 on node sca-m532-504-gd9 Passed
Verify registrations for disk /dev/vx/rdmp/zfs_71200_3 on node sca-m532-504-gd10 Passed
Preempt and abort key KeyA using key KeyB on node sca-m532-504-gd10 .... Passed
Verify registrations for disk /dev/vx/rdmp/zfs_71200_3 on node sca-m532-504-gd9 Passed
Verify registrations for disk /dev/vx/rdmp/zfs_71200_3 on node sca-m532-504-gd10 Passed
Remove key KeyB on node sca-m532-504-gd10 .............................. Passed
Check to verify there are no keys from node sca-m532-504-gd9 ........... Passed
ALL tests on the disk /dev/vx/rdmp/zfs_71200_3 have PASSED.
The disk is now ready to be configured for I/O Fencing on node sca-m532-504-gd9
ALL tests on the disk /dev/vx/rdmp/zfs_71200_3 have PASSED.
The disk is now ready to be configured for I/O Fencing on node sca-m532-504-gd10
Testing sca-m532-504-gd9 /dev/vx/rdmp/zfs_71200_4 sca-m532-504-gd10 /dev/vx/rdmp/zfs_71200_4
Evaluate the disk before testing ........................ No Pre-existing keys
RegisterIgnoreKeys on disk /dev/vx/rdmp/zfs_71200_4 from node sca-m532-504-gd9 Passed
Verify registrations for disk /dev/vx/rdmp/zfs_71200_4 on node sca-m532-504-gd9 Passed
RegisterIgnoreKeys on disk /dev/vx/rdmp/zfs_71200_4 from node sca-m532-504-gd10 Passed
Verify registrations for disk /dev/vx/rdmp/zfs_71200_4 on node sca-m532-504-gd9 Passed
Verify registrations for disk /dev/vx/rdmp/zfs_71200_4 on node sca-m532-504-gd10 Passed
Preempt and abort key KeyA using key KeyB on node sca-m532-504-gd10 .... Passed
Verify registrations for disk /dev/vx/rdmp/zfs_71200_4 on node sca-m532-504-gd9 Passed
Verify registrations for disk /dev/vx/rdmp/zfs_71200_4 on node sca-m532-504-gd10 Passed
Remove key KeyB on node sca-m532-504-gd10 .............................. Passed
Check to verify there are no keys from node sca-m532-504-gd9 ........... Passed
ALL tests on the disk /dev/vx/rdmp/zfs_71200_4 have PASSED.
The disk is now ready to be configured for I/O Fencing on node sca-m532-504-gd9
ALL tests on the disk /dev/vx/rdmp/zfs_71200_4 have PASSED.
The disk is now ready to be configured for I/O Fencing on node sca-m532-504-gd10
Removing test keys and temporary files, if any...