AIX= 6.1 TL8 SP2
HA/VCS = 6.0.1
Cluster Nodes = 2
We just updated from VCS 5.1 to 6.0.1 and received the following error when we attempt to test fail over (either direction)
12:11:15 V-16-10011-350 (clustertest0) Application:lab_app:online:Execution failed with return value [110]
This is followed by:
12:11:15 V-16-10011-260 (clustertest0) Application:lab_app:online:Execution of start Program (/etc/clu_app.x) returned (1)
12:11::20 V-16-1-10298 Resource lab_app (Owner Unspecified, Group: LABSG) is online on clustertest0 (VCS initiated)
12:11::20 V-16-1-10447 Group LABSG is online on clustertest0
The application comes up and is running post fail over, but we are wondering what is causing the error so we can remedy this issue.