I disabled my application resources(rs-app-db-004 and rs-app-rm-004) for some testing purpose in a service group and saved the changes in the main.cf file.
Now this application resource is on top of the tree and no other resource depends on this. I made the service group offline and then disabled the resources using below command. Then when i tried to bring the service group ONLINE, it threw the error "VCS NOTICE V-16-1-50036 There are no enabled resources in the group SG-APP-DS_RM-004 to online"
hares -modify rs-app-db-004 Enabled 0
hares -modify rs-app-rm-004 Enabled 0
hares -display -group SG-APP-DS_RM-004 | grep 'Enabled.*global'
rs-app-db-004 Enabled global 0
rs-app-rm-004 Enabled global 0
rs-dg-dsappdg-004 Enabled global 1
rs-ip-dsarmvp-cls-004 Enabled global 1
rs-mnt-rmdb-004 Enabled global 1
rs-proxynic-rmdb-004 Enabled global 1
rs-vol-dsappvol-004 Enabled global 1
hares -dep
#Group Parent Child
ClusterService webip csgnic
SG-APP-DS_RM-004 rs-app-db-004 rs-mnt-rmdb-004
SG-APP-DS_RM-004 rs-app-db-004 rs-ip-dsarmvp-cls-004
SG-APP-DS_RM-004 rs-app-rm-004 rs-mnt-rmdb-004
SG-APP-DS_RM-004 rs-app-rm-004 rs-ip-dsarmvp-cls-004
SG-APP-DS_RM-004 rs-ip-dsarmvp-cls-004 rs-proxynic-rmdb-004
SG-APP-DS_RM-004 rs-mnt-rmdb-004 rs-vol-dsappvol-004
SG-APP-DS_RM-004 rs-vol-dsappvol-004 rs-dg-dsappdg-004
#hagrp -online SG-APP-DS_RM-004 -sys node1
VCS NOTICE V-16-1-50036 There are no enabled resources in the group SG-APP-DS_RM-004 to online
I am using version 5.1
Now i need inputs on below points.
1) Is it necessary that atleast one application resource should be Enabled in a service group?
2) Other resources like IP,mount are enabled then why is it throwing an error "There are no enabled resources"
3) is it a bug or am i missing any point.
Looking forward for your feedback.