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I need a solution
After moving server to secondary site, replication has restarted and working - good - except the Icmp status between gco cluster: status Exited Icmp unknown
Please Note that the distance between the 2 sites is 500km, the bandwidth is about 1.5mbs
and the following tunig parameters:
heartbeat Icmp (
AYAInterval @vcs-remote = 0
InitTimeout @vcs-remote = 0
StartTimeout @vcs-remote = 0
CleanTimeout @vcs-remote = 0
StopTimeout @vcs-remote = 0
AYATimeout @vcs-remote = 0
AYARetryLimit @vcs-remote = 0
Arguments @vcs-remote = { "x.x.x.169", "" }
please any fedback regarding hahb -display
Icmp State UNKNOWN