I have a problem that to add a low pri LLT with a public bond NIC with public IP on it.
bond0 is a bond of 2 eth NICs and each NIC connecting to a different router, and there is connection between 2 routers. The 2 IPs are in the same subnet, so there is no route issue.
After configure the bond0 as low pri LLT, lltstat shows the link DOWN on the other node from each side:
# lltstat -nvv|head
LLT node information:
Node State Link Status Address
0 server1 OPEN
eth1 UP E4:1F:13:2D:92:3P
eth3 UP 00:10:18:8C:3U:4D
bond0 DOWN
* 1 server2 OPEN
eth1 UP E4:1F:13:62:39:49
eth3 UP 00:10:18:8C:0B:93
bond0 UP E4:1F:13:62:94:05
[root@cdceap1d ~]# lltstat -nvv|head
LLT node information:
Node State Link Status Address
* 0 server1 OPEN
eth1 UP E4:1F:13:2D:92:3P
eth3 UP 00:10:18:8C:3U:4D
bond0 UP E4:1F:13:2D:0E:6D
1 server2 OPEN
eth1 UP E4:1F:13:62:39:49
eth3 UP 00:10:18:8C:0B:93
bond0 DOWN
LLT work on 2nd layer "Data Link Layer", /opt/VRTSllt/lltping test cannot get through to each other. But arping with broadcast package can get through.
So my question is if the low pri LLT support public bond NIC with public IP ?
I found some notes :
LLT supports NIC bonding
You can configure NIC bonds (aggregated interfaces) as private links under LLT.
LLT treats each aggregated interface as a single link. So, you must configure these NICs that form the bond in such a way that the NICs are connected to the same switch or hub.
Note: If the NICs are connected to different switches or hubs, you must establish connection between the switches or hubs.
So according to the note, LLT only support NIC bonding as private links? Not with public IP ?
Any one has the experience would be huge appreciate.