Hello all!
We are looking to add some capacity (2 more servers) to an existing VCS cluster. One server will be for growth; the other new server will be our new N+1 or roaming spare. How do I configure VCS to keep that N+1 node "dark" except in the event of a system failure? For "regular" service group failures, I want them to relocate within the "N" other nodes; but if any of those nodes fails, the service groups should relocate to this N+1/spare/dark node. Has anyone done this?
I've looked through the google search results for "roaming spare" (finding only Eileen's summary article), and through the admin docs but found only graphical representations of an N+1 cluster, or a reference to "service group workload management policy module" which looks to me to only do variations of load-based failover decisions for service groups (not for system-level failures).