I need to edit the main.cf file to mount a volume read-only.
the path is "/mnta2/bmp", I have this in the /etc/VRTSvcs/conf/config/main.cf file:
group mnta2_DG (
SystemList = { emmsrv1 = 0, emmsrv2 = 1, emmsrv3 = 2, emmsrv4 = 3 }
AutoFailOver = 0
Parallel = 1
AutoStartList = { emmsrv1, emmsrv2, emmsrv3, emmsrv4 }
CFSMount cfsmount3 (
Critical = 0
MountPoint = "/mnta2/bmp"
BlockDevice = "/dev/vx/dsk/mnta2dg/shared_volume"
MountOpt @emmsrv1 = "cluster"
MountOpt @emmsrv2 = "cluster"
MountOpt @emmsrv3 = "cluster"
MountOpt @emmsrv4 = "cluster"
NodeList = { emmsrv1, emmsrv2, emmsrv3, emmsrv4 }
CVMVolDg cvmvoldg3 (
Critical = 0
CVMDiskGroup = mnta2dg
CVMVolume = { shared_volume }
CVMActivation @emmsrv1 = sw
CVMActivation @emmsrv2 = sw
CVMActivation @emmsrv3 = sw
CVMActivation @emmsrv4 = sw
requires group cvm online local firm
cfsmount3 requires cvmvoldg3
// resource dependency tree
// group mnta2_DG
// {
// CFSMount cfsmount3
// {
// CVMVolDg cvmvoldg3
// }
// }
Does anyone know how to edit main.cf file to mount read-only?