Hi Gaurav,
I wish to verify with you troubleshooting things.
An service group could failover onto other node because the curent running node is heavy loaded?If yes how i could see that this is the reason?Any clue on engine_A.log?Then cpus load more than 60%?physical memory to few and swap not enough?
If a plex is in an NDEV this means that the disk is faulty or the paths to disks are faulty.right?
If an service group failover to other node then the engine_A.log will shows me the faulty resource who was the culprit?If yes,then let`s say that an logical volume reource went faulty.Next i should to investigate in /var/adm/messages to see if the issue is because of the disk or of because the paths to disk(hba)?
At the time i perform "hastart" command,this will start only the had,hashadow and the agents based on main.cf resources?right?
hastart will not start the llt and gab.right?
so if llt and gab are not started and i issue hastart,then nothing happens?
Could be an resource online at the OS level and offline at the vcs level?
What happens when an resource agent disapear and the resource is online?
thanks so much.