I need a solution
Hi All
Here are the details of my setup
OS = Solaris 10 3/05 - Initial Release [First Customer Shipment]
Arch = Sparc
SFHA = 4.1 [VxFS, VxVM, VCS]
IMPORTANT **************
VCS Type = 2 Node Failover Production Cluster.
I'm planning to upgrade my OS to Solaris 10 1/13 update 11 through Liveupgrade after that will Upgrade SFHA using below upgrade path
(Current version) SFHA 4.1 ---- > 4.1 MP2 ---- > 5.1SP1 ---- > 5.1SP1RP4
Now my doubt is after the upgrade of OS and SFHA on one node if i switch the service groups from non-upgraded node to upgraded node will the Service groups switch over because OS and SFHA will be of different version.
Reply is highly appreciated.
Thanks and Kind Regards,