I need a solution
Hi Guys,
new to Veritas World. trying to create and Active/passive on two node VCS cluster with VxVM.
Installed SFCFS filesets on two AIX nodes. I have a shared disk of 5G on both nodes. I'm able to deport Diskgroup and import on second node and mount filesystem.
The error which I'm getting is -
# hagrp -online newgroup -sys tiefaphap603
VCS WARNING V-16-1-10159 Group newgroup is auto-disabled in cluster. This can happen if group is not probed on all alive nodes in group's SystemList or VCS engine is not running on all alive nodes in group's SystemList.
#vi main.cf
include "OracleASMTypes.cf"
include "types.cf"
include "CFSTypes.cf"
include "Db2udbTypes.cf"
include "OracleTypes.cf"
include "SybaseTypes.cf"
cluster tstcls (
UserNames = { admin = bklJknKikEkqGfhFhh }
ClusterAddress = ""
Administrators = { admin }
system tiefaphap603 (
system tiefaphap604 (
group ClusterService (
SystemList = { tiefaphap603 = 0, tiefaphap604 = 1 }
AutoStartList = { tiefaphap603, tiefaphap604 }
OnlineRetryLimit = 3
OnlineRetryInterval = 120
IP webip (
Device = en0
Address = ""
NetMask = ""
NIC csgnic (
Device = en0
NetworkHosts @tiefaphap603 = { "" }
NetworkHosts @tiefaphap604 = { "" }
webip requires csgnic
// resource dependency tree
// group ClusterService
// {
// IP webip
// {
// NIC csgnic
// }
// }
group newgroup (
SystemList = { tiefaphap603 = 0, tiefaphap604 = 1 }
AutoStartList = { tiefaphap603 }
DiskGroup data_dg (
DiskGroup = clshareddg
Mount mnt (
MountPoint = "/clsfs02"
BlockDevice = "/dev/vx/dsk/clshareddg/clslv02"
FSType = vxfs
mnt requires data_dg
// resource dependency tree
// group newgroup
// {
// Mount mnt
// {
// DiskGroup data_dg
// }
// }