Hello to all,
recentlly I install VCS 6.0.2 over windows 2012 for a file sharing service betwwen two cluster nodes, global group has been configured using mirrir view agent.
global resource will not come up, becouse of a mirror view faulty . all recource setting is correct. and the agent version is q3 2013. download for enviromet win 2008 and win 2008 R2.
storage : EMC VNX
i need to know is this agent supported over win 2012. since agent report error in the library file as the following.
(DRBFPSMS01) Resource(Mirror_View): Output of the completed operation (online)
Use of uninitialized value in string ne at C:/Program Files/Veritas/VRTSPerl/lib/MirrorViewAgent.pm line 116.
VCS WARNING V-16-1-10603 Unknown option: -sync
(DRBFPSMS01) MirrorView:Mirror_View:online:devices are in an invalid mix of states; administrative intervention required.
Ashraf Jaber