Has anyone hit a bug when using VCS's Oracle agent in "Health Check Honitoring" mode (MonitorOption=1)? I've recently tested this with VCS 6.0.1 on Solaris10 x64, and discovered that the agent attempts to run scripts called "oraapi_32", "oraapi_3211g", "oraapi_64" or "oraapi_6411g" in the agent's directory "/opt/VRTSagents/ha/bin/Oracle". However, this fails because the standard installation doesn't give these scripts execute permission for non-root users, yet it's the (non-root) Oracle user that needs to run these scripts.
I added global execute permission to these scripts in my test environment, and this allowed Health Check Honitoring to work OK. Has anyone else hit this problem? Is there an official workaround or solution?
Best Regards, Alistair.